
Choosing the right type of boiler for your home is crucial for efficient heating and hot water supply. Two popular options are electric combi boilers and gas combi boilers. In this article, we will delve into the key differences, benefits, and drawbacks of each system to help you make an informed decision. Whether you prioritize environmental sustainability, energy efficiency, or cost-effectiveness, we’ll explore the factors that matter most in the Electric v Gas Combi Boiler debate.

Electric v Gas Combi Boiler: An Overview

Both electric and gas combi boilers serve the purpose of providing heating and hot water to households, but they operate on different principles. Here’s a breakdown of how each system works:

Electric Combi Boiler

Electric combi boilers utilize electricity as their primary power source. They heat water directly without the need for a separate storage tank. When hot water is required, the electric boiler activates its heating element, which then warms up the water passing through it. This on-demand heating process ensures energy efficiency as there’s no heat loss through storage tanks or pipework.

Gas Combi Boiler

On the other hand, gas combi boilers rely on natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to heat water. These boilers burn gas in a combustion chamber, which transfers the generated heat to the water passing through a heat exchanger. Gas combi boilers often require a separate storage tank for hot water, which can take up additional space in your home.

Now that we understand the basic operation of electric and gas combi boilers, let’s explore their respective advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Electric Combi Boilers

Electric combi boilers offer several benefits that make them an attractive option for certain households. Here are some advantages to consider:

  1. Energy Efficiency: Electric combi boilers are highly efficient as they heat water on-demand, minimizing energy wastage. They have no standby heat losses, ensuring that you only consume energy when hot water is needed.
  2. Compact Size: Electric combi boilers are often smaller in size compared to their gas counterparts. They don’t require a separate hot water storage tank, making them ideal for homes with limited space.
  3. Ease of Installation: Installing an electric combi boiler is usually simpler and less invasive than a gas combi boiler. Since they don’t require a flue or gas supply, the installation process is generally quicker and more straightforward.
  4. Environmentally Friendly: Electric boilers produce no direct emissions during operation, which contributes to a cleaner and greener living environment. They can be powered by renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind, further reducing their carbon footprint.

Disadvantages of Electric Combi Boilers

While electric combi boilers offer various advantages, they also have some drawbacks that you should take into consideration:

  1. Higher Running Costs: Electricity is generally more expensive than gas, leading to higher running costs for electric combi boilers. However, the overall cost difference depends on your local energy prices and the efficiency of your chosen system.
  2. Limited Hot Water Capacity: Electric combi boilers may have limited hot water output compared to gas combi boilers. If you have a large household with high hot water demand, an electric combi boiler might not be the most suitable choice.
  3. Dependence on Electricity: Electric combi boilers rely solely on electricity, so any power outages in your area can affect their functionality. It’s important to have a backup plan, such as a generator or alternative heating source, during such situations.

Now that we’ve explored electric combi boilers, let’s turn our attention to their gas-powered counterparts.

Advantages of Gas Combi Boilers

Gas combi boilers offer their own set of advantages that make them a popular choice among homeowners. Here are the key advantages to consider:

  1. Lower Running Costs: Gas is generally cheaper than electricity, resulting in lower running costs for gas combi boilers. This cost efficiency can save you money in the long run, especially if you have high hot water demand.
  2. Higher Hot Water Output: Gas combi boilers often provide a higher hot water flow rate compared to electric combi boilers. This makes them more suitable for larger households or properties with multiple bathrooms.

Disadvantages of Gas Combi Boilers

While gas combi boilers have their advantages, they also come with a few drawbacks. Here are the key disadvantages to consider:

  1. Space Requirements: Gas combi boilers typically require additional space for a hot water storage tank, which may not be ideal for homes with limited space availability. The installation process can be more complex due to the need for a flue system to remove combustion gases.
  2. Environmental Impact: Gas combi boilers produce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions during operation, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. However, advancements in technology have led to more energy-efficient gas boilers with reduced emissions.

Now that we’ve discussed the advantages and disadvantages of both electric and gas combi boilers, let’s address some frequently asked questions to provide further clarity on the topic.

electric v gas combi boiler

Frequently Asked Questions; Electric v Gas Combi Boiler

  1. Are electric combi boilers suitable for large households?
    • Electric combi boilers may not be the best choice for large households with high hot water demand. Their limited hot water output could result in inadequate supply during peak usage times.
  2. Can I use renewable energy sources to power an electric combi boiler?
    • Yes, electric combi boilers can be powered by renewable energy sources such as solar panels or wind turbines. This helps to minimize their environmental impact and reduce carbon emissions.
  3. Are gas combi boilers more cost-effective in the long run?
    • Gas combi boilers generally have lower running costs compared to electric combi boilers due to the lower cost of natural gas. However, the overall cost difference depends on factors such as local energy prices and the efficiency of the chosen system.
  4. Do gas combi boilers require regular maintenance?
    • Like any heating system, gas combi boilers require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and safety. It is recommended to have an annual servicing to check for any potential issues and ensure efficient operation.
  5. Can I switch from a gas combi boiler to an electric one?
    • Switching from a gas combi boiler to an electric combi boiler is possible, but it requires careful consideration and may involve additional installation costs. It’s advisable to consult a qualified heating engineer to assess the feasibility and suitability for your specific requirements.
  6. Which type of combi boiler is more environmentally friendly?
    • Electric combi boilers are considered more environmentally friendly since they produce no direct emissions during operation. However, advancements in gas boiler technology have led to reduced emissions and increased efficiency, narrowing the environmental impact gap.

Now that we’ve covered the essential aspects of electric and gas combi boilers, it’s time to wrap up our discussion.


Choosing between an electric combi boiler and a gas combi boiler depends on your specific needs and circumstances. Electric combi boilers offer energy efficiency, compact size, and ease of installation, while gas combi boilers provide cost-effectiveness, higher hot water output. Consider factors such as your hot water demand, available space, running costs, and environmental impact when making your decision.

It’s crucial to consult with a qualified heating engineer or professional to assess your home’s requirements and determine the most suitable option for you. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation, ensuring that you choose the right combi boiler that meets your heating and hot water needs effectively.